ovn-sb(5) Open vSwitch Manual ovn-sb(5) NAME ovn-sb - OVN_Southbound database schema This database holds logical and physical configuration and state for the Open Virtual Network (OVN) system to support virtual network abstraction. For an introduction to OVN, please see ovn-architec‐ ture(7). The OVN Southbound database sits at the center of the OVN architecture. It is the one component that speaks both southbound directly to all the hypervisors and gateways, via ovn-controller/ovn-controller-vtep, and northbound to the Cloud Management System, via ovn-northd: Database Structure The OVN Southbound database contains three classes of data with differ‐ ent properties, as described in the sections below. Physical Network (PN) data PN tables contain information about the chassis nodes in the system. This contains all the information necessary to wire the overlay, such as IP addresses, supported tunnel types, and security keys. The amount of PN data is small (O(n) in the number of chassis) and it changes infrequently, so it can be replicated to every chassis. The Chassis table comprises the PN tables. Logical Network (LN) data LN tables contain the topology of logical switches and routers, ACLs, firewall rules, and everything needed to describe how packets traverse a logical network, represented as logical datapath flows (see Logical Datapath Flows, below). LN data may be large (O(n) in the number of logical ports, ACL rules, etc.). Thus, to improve scaling, each chassis should receive only data related to logical networks in which that chassis participates. Past experience shows that in the presence of large logical networks, even finer-grained partitioning of data, e.g. designing logical flows so that only the chassis hosting a logical port needs related flows, pays off scale-wise. (This is not necessary initially but it is worth bear‐ ing in mind in the design.) The LN is a slave of the cloud management system running northbound of OVN. That CMS determines the entire OVN logical configuration and therefore the LN’s content at any given time is a deterministic func‐ tion of the CMS’s configuration, although that happens indirectly via the OVN_Northbound database and ovn-northd. LN data is likely to change more quickly than PN data. This is espe‐ cially true in a container environment where VMs are created and destroyed (and therefore added to and deleted from logical switches) quickly. Logical_Flow and Multicast_Group contain LN data. Bindings data Bindings data link logical and physical components. They show the cur‐ rent placement of logical components (such as VMs and VIFs) onto chas‐ sis, and map logical entities to the values that represent them in tun‐ nel encapsulations. Bindings change frequently, at least every time a VM powers up or down or migrates, and especially quickly in a container environment. The amount of data per VM (or VIF) is small. Each chassis is authoritative about the VMs and VIFs that it hosts at any given time and can efficiently flood that state to a central loca‐ tion, so the consistency needs are minimal. The Port_Binding and Datapath_Binding tables contain binding data. Common Columns Some tables contain a special column named external_ids. This column has the same form and purpose each place that it appears, so we describe it here to save space later. external_ids: map of string-string pairs Key-value pairs for use by the software that manages the OVN Southbound database rather than by ovn-con‐ troller/ovn-controller-vtep. In particular, ovn-northd can use key-value pairs in this column to relate entities in the southbound database to higher-level entities (such as entities in the OVN Northbound database). Individual key-value pairs in this column may be documented in some cases to aid in understanding and troubleshooting, but the reader should not mistake such documentation as com‐ prehensive. TABLE SUMMARY The following list summarizes the purpose of each of the tables in the OVN_Southbound database. Each table is described in more detail on a later page. Table Purpose Chassis Physical Network Hypervisor and Gateway Information Encap Encapsulation Types Logical_Flow Logical Network Flows Multicast_Group Logical Port Multicast Groups Datapath_Binding Physical-Logical Datapath Bindings Port_Binding Physical-Logical Port Bindings Chassis TABLE Each row in this table represents a hypervisor or gateway (a chassis) in the physical network (PN). Each chassis, via ovn-con‐ troller/ovn-controller-vtep, adds and updates its own row, and keeps a copy of the remaining rows to determine how to reach other hypervisors. When a chassis shuts down gracefully, it should remove its own row. (This is not critical because resources hosted on the chassis are equally unreachable regardless of whether the row is present.) If a chassis shuts down permanently without removing its row, some kind of manual or automatic cleanup is eventually needed; we can devise a process for that as necessary. Summary: name string (must be unique within table) Encapsulation Configuration: encaps set of 1 or more Encaps Gateway Configuration: vtep_logical_switches set of strings Details: name: string (must be unique within table) A chassis name, taken from external_ids:system-id in the Open_vSwitch database’s Open_vSwitch table. OVN does not pre‐ scribe a particular format for chassis names. Encapsulation Configuration: OVN uses encapsulation to transmit logical dataplane packets between chassis. encaps: set of 1 or more Encaps Points to supported encapsulation configurations to transmit logical dataplane packets to this chassis. Each entry is a Encap record that describes the configuration. Gateway Configuration: A gateway is a chassis that forwards traffic between the OVN-managed part of a logical network and a physical VLAN, extending a tunnel-based logical network into a physical network. Gateways are typically dedi‐ cated nodes that do not host VMs and will be controlled by ovn-con‐ troller-vtep. vtep_logical_switches: set of strings Stores all VTEP logical switch names connected by this gateway chassis. The Port_Binding table entry with options:vtep-physi‐ cal-switch equal Chassis name, and options:vtep-logical-switch value in Chassis vtep_logical_switches, will be associated with this Chassis. Encap TABLE The encaps column in the Chassis table refers to rows in this table to identify how OVN may transmit logical dataplane packets to this chas‐ sis. Each chassis, via ovn-controller(8) or ovn-controller-vtep(8), adds and updates its own rows and keeps a copy of the remaining rows to determine how to reach other chassis. Summary: type string, one of stt, geneve, or vxlan options map of string-string pairs ip string Details: type: string, one of stt, geneve, or vxlan The encapsulation to use to transmit packets to this chassis. Hypervisors must use either geneve or stt. Gateways may use vxlan, geneve, or stt. options: map of string-string pairs Options for configuring the encapsulation, e.g. IPsec parameters when IPsec support is introduced. No options are currently defined. ip: string The IPv4 address of the encapsulation tunnel endpoint. Logical_Flow TABLE Each row in this table represents one logical flow. ovn-northd popu‐ lates this table with logical flows that implement the L2 and L3 topologies specified in the OVN_Northbound database. Each hypervisor, via ovn-controller, translates the logical flows into OpenFlow flows specific to its hypervisor and installs them into Open vSwitch. Logical flows are expressed in an OVN-specific format, described here. A logical datapath flow is much like an OpenFlow flow, except that the flows are written in terms of logical ports and logical datapaths instead of physical ports and physical datapaths. Translation between logical and physical flows helps to ensure isolation between logical datapaths. (The logical flow abstraction also allows the OVN central‐ ized components to do less work, since they do not have to separately compute and push out physical flows to each chassis.) The default action when no flow matches is to drop packets. Architectural Logical Life Cycle of a Packet This following description focuses on the life cycle of a packet through a logical datapath, ignoring physical details of the implemen‐ tation. Please refer to Architectural Life Cycle of a Packet in ovn-architecture(7) for the physical information. The description here is written as if OVN itself executes these steps, but in fact OVN (that is, ovn-controller) programs Open vSwitch, via OpenFlow and OVSDB, to execute them on its behalf. At a high level, OVN passes each packet through the logical datapath’s logical ingress pipeline, which may output the packet to one or more logical port or logical multicast groups. For each such logical output port, OVN passes the packet through the datapath’s logical egress pipe‐ line, which may either drop the packet or deliver it to the destina‐ tion. Between the two pipelines, outputs to logical multicast groups are expanded into logical ports, so that the egress pipeline only pro‐ cesses a single logical output port at a time. Between the two pipe‐ lines is also where, when necessary, OVN encapsulates a packet in a tunnel (or tunnels) to transmit to remote hypervisors. In more detail, to start, OVN searches the Logical_Flow table for a row with correct logical_datapath, a pipeline of ingress, a table_id of 0, and a match that is true for the packet. If none is found, OVN drops the packet. If OVN finds more than one, it chooses the match with the highest priority. Then OVN executes each of the actions specified in the row’s actions column, in the order specified. Some actions, such as those to modify packet headers, require no further details. The next and output actions are special. The next action causes the above process to be repeated recursively, except that OVN searches for table_id of 1 instead of 0. Similarly, any next action in a row found in that table would cause a further search for a table_id of 2, and so on. When recursive processing com‐ pletes, flow control returns to the action following next. The output action also introduces recursion. Its effect depends on the current value of the outport field. Suppose outport designates a logi‐ cal port. First, OVN compares inport to outport; if they are equal, it treats the output as a no-op. In the common case, where they are dif‐ ferent, the packet enters the egress pipeline. This transition to the egress pipeline discards register data, e.g. reg0 ... reg5, to achieve uniform behavior regardless of whether the egress pipeline is on a dif‐ ferent hypervisor (because registers aren’t preserve across tunnel encapsulation). To execute the egress pipeline, OVN again searches the Logical_Flow ta‐ ble for a row with correct logical_datapath, a table_id of 0, a match that is true for the packet, but now looking for a pipeline of egress. If no matching row is found, the output becomes a no-op. Otherwise, OVN executes the actions for the matching flow (which is chosen from multiple, if necessary, as already described). In the egress pipeline, the next action acts as already described, except that it, of course, searches for egress flows. The output action, however, now directly outputs the packet to the output port (which is now fixed, because outport is read-only within the egress pipeline). The description earlier assumed that outport referred to a logical port. If it instead designates a logical multicast group, then the description above still applies, with the addition of fan-out from the logical multicast group to each logical port in the group. For each member of the group, OVN executes the logical pipeline as described, with the logical output port replaced by the group member. Pipeline Stages ovn-northd is responsible for populating the Logical_Flow table, so the stages are an implementation detail and subject to change. This sec‐ tion describes the current logical flow table. The ingress pipeline consists of the following stages: · Port Security (Table 0): Validates the source address, drops packets with a VLAN tag, and, if configured, veri‐ fies that the logical port is allowed to send with the source address. · L2 Destination Lookup (Table 1): Forwards known unicast addresses to the appropriate logical port. Unicast pack‐ ets to unknown hosts are forwarded to logical ports con‐ figured with the special unknown mac address. Broadcast, and multicast are flooded to all ports in the logical switch. The egress pipeline consists of the following stages: · ACL (Table 0): Applies any specified access control lists. · Port Security (Table 1): If configured, verifies that the logical port is allowed to receive packets with the des‐ tination address. Summary: logical_datapath Datapath_Binding pipeline string, either ingress or egress table_id integer, in range 0 to 15 priority integer, in range 0 to 65,535 match string actions string external_ids : stage-name optional string Common Columns: external_ids map of string-string pairs Details: logical_datapath: Datapath_Binding The logical datapath to which the logical flow belongs. pipeline: string, either ingress or egress The primary flows used for deciding on a packet’s destination are the ingress flows. The egress flows implement ACLs. See Logical Life Cycle of a Packet, above, for details. table_id: integer, in range 0 to 15 The stage in the logical pipeline, analogous to an OpenFlow ta‐ ble number. priority: integer, in range 0 to 65,535 The flow’s priority. Flows with numerically higher priority take precedence over those with lower. If two logical datapath flows with the same priority both match, then the one actually applied to the packet is undefined. match: string A matching expression. OVN provides a superset of OpenFlow matching capabilities, using a syntax similar to Boolean expres‐ sions in a programming language. The most important components of match expression are compar‐ isons between symbols and constants, e.g. ip4.dst ==, ip.proto == 6, arp.op == 1, eth.type == 0x800. The logical AND operator && and logical OR operator || can combine comparisons into a larger expression. Matching expressions also support parentheses for grouping, the logical NOT prefix operator !, and literals 0 and 1 to express ``false’’ or ``true,’’ respectively. The latter is useful by itself as a catch-all expression that matches every packet. Symbols Type. Symbols have integer or string type. Integer symbols have a width in bits. Kinds. There are three kinds of symbols: · Fields. A field symbol represents a packet header or metadata field. For example, a field named vlan.tci might represent the VLAN TCI field in a packet. A field symbol can have integer or string type. Integer fields can be nominal or ordinal (see Level of Measure‐ ment, below). · Subfields. A subfield represents a subset of bits from a larger field. For example, a field vlan.vid might be defined as an alias for vlan.tci[0..11]. Subfields are provided for syntactic convenience, because it is always possible to instead refer to a subset of bits from a field directly. Only ordinal fields (see Level of Measurement, below) may have subfields. Subfields are always ordinal. · Predicates. A predicate is shorthand for a Boolean expression. Predicates may be used much like 1-bit fields. For example, ip4 might expand to eth.type == 0x800. Predicates are provided for syntactic conve‐ nience, because it is always possible to instead specify the underlying expression directly. A predicate whose expansion refers to any nominal field or predicate (see Level of Measurement, below) is nomi‐ nal; other predicates have Boolean level of measurement. Level of Measurement. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_of_measurement for the sta‐ tistical concept on which this classification is based. There are three levels: · Ordinal. In statistics, ordinal values can be ordered on a scale. OVN considers a field (or subfield) to be ordi‐ nal if its bits can be examined individually. This is true for the OpenFlow fields that OpenFlow or Open vSwitch makes ``maskable.’’ Any use of a nominal field may specify a single bit or a range of bits, e.g. vlan.tci[13..15] refers to the PCP field within the VLAN TCI, and eth.dst[40] refers to the multicast bit in the Ethernet destination address. OVN supports all the usual arithmetic relations (==, !=, <, <=, >, and >=) on ordinal fields and their subfields, because OVN can implement these in OpenFlow and Open vSwitch as collections of bitwise tests. · Nominal. In statistics, nominal values cannot be use‐ fully compared except for equality. This is true of OpenFlow port numbers, Ethernet types, and IP protocols are examples: all of these are just identifiers assigned arbitrarily with no deeper meaning. In OpenFlow and Open vSwitch, bits in these fields generally aren’t individu‐ ally addressable. OVN only supports arithmetic tests for equality on nomi‐ nal fields, because OpenFlow and Open vSwitch provide no way for a flow to efficiently implement other comparisons on them. (A test for inequality can be sort of built out of two flows with different priorities, but OVN matching expressions always generate flows with a single prior‐ ity.) String fields are always nominal. · Boolean. A nominal field that has only two values, 0 and 1, is somewhat exceptional, since it is easy to support both equality and inequality tests on such a field: either one can be implemented as a test for 0 or 1. Only predicates (see above) have a Boolean level of mea‐ surement. This isn’t a standard level of measurement. Prerequisites. Any symbol can have prerequisites, which are additional condition implied by the use of the symbol. For example, For example, icmp4.type symbol might have prerequisite icmp4, which would cause an expression icmp4.type == 0 to be interpreted as icmp4.type == 0 && icmp4, which would in turn expand to icmp4.type == 0 && eth.type == 0x800 && ip4.proto == 1 (assuming icmp4 is a predicate defined as suggested under Types above). Relational operators All of the standard relational operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >= are supported. Nominal fields support only == and !=, and only in a positive sense when outer ! are taken into account, e.g. given string field inport, inport == "eth0" and !(inport != "eth0") are acceptable, but not inport != "eth0". The implementation of == (or != when it is negated), is more efficient than that of the other relational operators. Constants Integer constants may be expressed in decimal, hexadecimal pre‐ fixed by 0x, or as dotted-quad IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses in their standard forms, or Ethernet addresses as colon-separated hex digits. A constant in any of these forms may be followed by a slash and a second constant (the mask) in the same form, to form a masked constant. IPv4 and IPv6 masks may be given as integers, to express CIDR prefixes. String constants have the same syntax as quoted strings in JSON (thus, they are Unicode strings). Some operators support sets of constants written inside curly braces { ... }. Commas between elements of a set, and after the last elements, are optional. With ==, ``field == { constant1, constant2, ... }’’ is syntactic sugar for ``field == constant1 || field == constant2 || .... Similarly, ``field != { con‐ stant1, constant2, ... }’’ is equivalent to ``field != constant1 && field != constant2 && ...’’. Miscellaneous Comparisons may name the symbol or the constant first, e.g. tcp.src == 80 and 80 == tcp.src are both acceptable. Tests for a range may be expressed using a syntax like 1024 <= tcp.src <= 49151, which is equivalent to 1024 <= tcp.src && tcp.src <= 49151. For a one-bit field or predicate, a mention of its name is equivalent to symobl == 1, e.g. vlan.present is equivalent to vlan.present == 1. The same is true for one-bit subfields, e.g. vlan.tci[12]. There is no technical limitation to implementing the same for ordinal fields of all widths, but the implementa‐ tion is expensive enough that the syntax parser requires writing an explicit comparison against zero to make mistakes less likely, e.g. in tcp.src != 0 the comparison against 0 is required. Operator precedence is as shown below, from highest to lowest. There are two exceptions where parentheses are required even though the table would suggest that they are not: && and || require parentheses when used together, and ! requires parenthe‐ ses when applied to a relational expression. Thus, in (eth.type == 0x800 || eth.type == 0x86dd) && ip.proto == 6 or !(arp.op == 1), the parentheses are mandatory. · () · == != < <= > >= · ! · && || Comments may be introduced by //, which extends to the next new- line. Comments within a line may be bracketed by /* and */. Multiline comments are not supported. Symbols Most of the symbols below have integer type. Only inport and outport have string type. inport names a logical port. Thus, its value is a logical_port name from the Port_Binding table. outport may name a logical port, as inport, or a logical multi‐ cast group defined in the Multicast_Group table. For both sym‐ bols, only names within the flow’s logical datapath may be used. · reg0...reg5 · inport outport · eth.src eth.dst eth.type · vlan.tci vlan.vid vlan.pcp vlan.present · ip.proto ip.dscp ip.ecn ip.ttl ip.frag · ip4.src ip4.dst · ip6.src ip6.dst ip6.label · arp.op arp.spa arp.tpa arp.sha arp.tha · tcp.src tcp.dst tcp.flags · udp.src udp.dst · sctp.src sctp.dst · icmp4.type icmp4.code · icmp6.type icmp6.code · nd.target nd.sll nd.tll The following predicates are supported: · eth.bcast expands to eth.dst == ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff · eth.mcast expands to eth.dst[40] · vlan.present expands to vlan.tci[12] · ip4 expands to eth.type == 0x800 · ip4.mcast expands to ip4.dst[28..31] == 0xe · ip6 expands to eth.type == 0x86dd · ip expands to ip4 || ip6 · icmp4 expands to ip4 && ip.proto == 1 · icmp6 expands to ip6 && ip.proto == 58 · icmp expands to icmp4 || icmp6 · ip.is_frag expands to ip.frag[0] · ip.later_frag expands to ip.frag[1] · ip.first_frag expands to ip.is_frag && !ip.later_frag · arp expands to eth.type == 0x806 · nd expands to icmp6.type == {135, 136} && icmp6.code == 0 · tcp expands to ip.proto == 6 · udp expands to ip.proto == 17 · sctp expands to ip.proto == 132 actions: string Logical datapath actions, to be executed when the logical flow represented by this row is the highest-priority match. Actions share lexical syntax with the match column. An empty set of actions (or one that contains just white space or com‐ ments), or a set of actions that consists of just drop;, causes the matched packets to be dropped. Otherwise, the column should contain a sequence of actions, each terminated by a semicolon. The following actions are defined: output; In the ingress pipeline, this action executes the egress pipeline as a subroutine. If outport names a logical port, the egress pipeline executes once; if it is a mul‐ ticast group, the egress pipeline runs once for each log‐ ical port in the group. In the egress pipeline, this action performs the actual output to the outport logical port. (In the egress pipe‐ line, outport never names a multicast group.) Output to the input port is implicitly dropped, that is, output becomes a no-op if outport == inport. next; next(table); Executes another logical datapath table as a subroutine. By default, the table after the current one is executed. Specify table to jump to a specific table in the same pipe‐ line. field = constant; Sets data or metadata field field to constant value con‐ stant, e.g. outport = "vif0"; to set the logical output port. To set only a subset of bits in a field, specify a subfield for field or a masked constant, e.g. one may use vlan.pcp[2] = 1; or vlan.pcp = 4/4; to set the most sigifi‐ cant bit of the VLAN PCP. Assigning to a field with prerequisites implicitly adds those prerequisites to match; thus, for example, a flow that sets tcp.dst applies only to TCP flows, regardless of whether its match mentions any TCP field. Not all fields are modifiable (e.g. eth.type and ip.proto are read-only), and not all modifiable fields may be par‐ tially modified (e.g. ip.ttl must assigned as a whole). The outport field is modifiable in the ingress pipeline but not in the egress pipeline. field1 = field2; Sets data or metadata field field1 to the value of data or metadata field field2, e.g. reg0 = ip4.src; copies ip4.src into reg0. To modify only a subset of a field’s bits, specify a subfield for field1 or field2 or both, e.g. vlan.pcp = reg0[0..2]; copies the least-significant bits of reg0 into the VLAN PCP. field1 and field2 must be the same type, either both string or both integer fields. If they are both integer fields, they must have the same width. If field1 or field2 has prerequisites, they are added implicitly to match. It is possible to write an assignment with contradictory prerequisites, such as ip4.src = ip6.src[0..31];, but the contradiction means that a logical flow with such an assignment will never be matched. field1 <-> field2; Similar to field1 = field2; except that the two values are exchanged instead of copied. Both field1 and field2 must modifiable. The following actions will likely be useful later, but they have not been thought out carefully. ip.ttl--; Decrements the IPv4 or IPv6 TTL. If this would make the TTL zero or negative, then processing of the packet halts; no further actions are processed. (To properly handle such cases, a higher-priority flow should match on ip.ttl < 2.) Prerequisite: ip arp { action; ... }; Temporarily replaces the IPv4 packet being processed by an ARP packet and executes each nested action on the ARP packet. Actions following the arp action, if any, apply to the original, unmodified packet. The ARP packet that this action operates on is initial‐ ized based on the IPv4 packet being processed, as fol‐ lows. These are default values that the nested actions will probably want to change: · eth.src unchanged · eth.dst unchanged · eth.type = 0x0806 · arp.op = 1 (ARP request) · arp.sha copied from eth.src · arp.spa copied from ip4.src · arp.tha = 00:00:00:00:00:00 · arp.tpa copied from ip4.dst Prerequisite: ip4 icmp4 { action; ... }; Temporarily replaces the IPv4 packet being processed by an ICMPv4 packet and executes each nested action on the ICMPv4 packet. Actions following the icmp4 action, if any, apply to the original, unmodified packet. The ICMPv4 packet that this action operates on is ini‐ tialized based on the IPv4 packet being processed, as follows. These are default values that the nested actions will probably want to change. Ethernet and IPv4 fields not listed here are not changed: · ip.proto = 1 (ICMPv4) · ip.frag = 0 (not a fragment) · icmp4.type = 3 (destination unreachable) · icmp4.code = 1 (host unreachable) XXX need to explain exactly how the ICMP packet is con‐ structed Prerequisite: ip4 tcp_reset; This action transforms the current TCP packet according to the following pseudocode: if (tcp.ack) { tcp.seq = tcp.ack; } else { tcp.ack = tcp.seq + length(tcp.payload); tcp.seq = 0; } tcp.flags = RST; Then, the action drops all TCP options and payload data, and updates the TCP checksum. Prerequisite: tcp external_ids : stage-name: optional string Human-readable name for this flow’s stage in the pipeline. Common Columns: The overall purpose of these columns is described under Common Columns at the beginning of this document. external_ids: map of string-string pairs Multicast_Group TABLE The rows in this table define multicast groups of logical ports. Mul‐ ticast groups allow a single packet transmitted over a tunnel to a hypervisor to be delivered to multiple VMs on that hypervisor, which uses bandwidth more efficiently. Each row in this table defines a logical multicast group numbered tun‐ nel_key within datapath, whose logical ports are listed in the ports column. Summary: datapath Datapath_Binding tunnel_key integer, in range 32,768 to 65,535 name string ports set of 1 or more weak reference to Port_Bindings Details: datapath: Datapath_Binding The logical datapath in which the multicast group resides. tunnel_key: integer, in range 32,768 to 65,535 The value used to designate this logical egress port in tunnel encapsulations. An index forces the key to be unique within the datapath. The unusual range ensures that multicast group IDs do not overlap with logical port IDs. name: string The logical multicast group’s name. An index forces the name to be unique within the datapath. Logical flows in the ingress pipeline may output to the group just as for individual logical ports, by assigning the group’s name to outport and executing an output action. Multicast group names and logical port names share a single namespace and thus should not overlap (but the database schema cannot enforce this). To try to avoid conflicts, ovn-northd uses names that begin with _MC_. ports: set of 1 or more weak reference to Port_Bindings The logical ports included in the multicast group. All of these ports must be in the datapath logical datapath (but the database schema cannot enforce this). Datapath_Binding TABLE Each row in this table identifies physical bindings of a logical data‐ path. A logical datapath implements a logical pipeline among the ports in the Port_Binding table associated with it. In practice, the pipe‐ line in a given logical datapath implements either a logical switch or a logical router. Summary: tunnel_key integer, in range 1 to 16,777,215 (must be unique within table) OVN_Northbound Relationship: external_ids : logical-switch optional string, containing an uuid external_ids : logical-router optional string, containing an uuid Common Columns: external_ids map of string-string pairs Details: tunnel_key: integer, in range 1 to 16,777,215 (must be unique within table) The tunnel key value to which the logical datapath is bound. The Tunnel Encapsulation section in ovn-architecture(7) describes how tunnel keys are constructed for each supported encapsulation. OVN_Northbound Relationship: Each row in Datapath_Binding is associated with some logical datapath. ovn-northd uses these key to track the association of a logical data‐ path with concepts in the OVN_Northbound database. external_ids : logical-switch: optional string, containing an uuid For a logical datapath that represents a logical switch, ovn-northd stores in this key the UUID of the corresponding Log‐ ical_Switch row in the OVN_Northbound database. external_ids : logical-router: optional string, containing an uuid For a logical datapath that represents a logical router, ovn-northd stores in this key the UUID of the corresponding Log‐ ical_Router row in the OVN_Northbound database. Common Columns: The overall purpose of these columns is described under Common Columns at the beginning of this document. external_ids: map of string-string pairs Port_Binding TABLE Most rows in this table identify the physical location of a logical port. (The exceptions are logical patch ports, which do not have any physical location.) For every Logical_Port record in OVN_Northbound database, ovn-northd creates a record in this table. ovn-northd populates and maintains every column except the chassis column, which it leaves empty in new records. ovn-controller/ovn-controller-vtep populates the chassis column for the records that identify the logical ports that are located on its hyper‐ visor/gateway, which ovn-controller/ovn-controller-vtep in turn finds out by monitoring the local hypervisor’s Open_vSwitch database, which identifies logical ports via the conventions described in Integra‐ tionGuide.md. When a chassis shuts down gracefully, it should clean up the chassis column that it previously had populated. (This is not critical because resources hosted on the chassis are equally unreachable regardless of whether their rows are present.) To handle the case where a VM is shut down abruptly on one chassis, then brought up again on a different one, ovn-controller/ovn-controller-vtep must overwrite the chassis column with new information. Summary: Core Features: datapath Datapath_Binding logical_port string (must be unique within table) chassis optional weak reference to Chassis tunnel_key integer, in range 1 to 32,767 mac set of strings type string Patch Options: options : peer optional string Localnet Options: options : network_name optional string tag optional integer, in range 1 to 4,095 VTEP Options: options : vtep-physical-switch optional string options : vtep-logical-switch optional string Nested Containers: parent_port optional string tag optional integer, in range 1 to 4,095 Details: Core Features: datapath: Datapath_Binding The logical datapath to which the logical port belongs. logical_port: string (must be unique within table) A logical port, taken from name in the OVN_Northbound database’s Logical_Port table. OVN does not prescribe a particular format for the logical port ID. chassis: optional weak reference to Chassis The physical location of the logical port. To successfully identify a chassis, this column must be a Chassis record. This is populated by ovn-controller/ovn-controller-vtep. tunnel_key: integer, in range 1 to 32,767 A number that represents the logical port in the key (e.g. STT key or Geneve TLV) field carried within tunnel protocol packets. The tunnel ID must be unique within the scope of a logical data‐ path. mac: set of strings The Ethernet address or addresses used as a source address on the logical port, each in the form xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx. The string unknown is also allowed to indicate that the logical port has an unknown set of (additional) source addresses. A VM interface would ordinarily have a single Ethernet address. A gateway port might initially only have unknown, and then add MAC addresses to the set as it learns new source addresses. type: string A type for this logical port. Logical ports can be used to model other types of connectivity into an OVN logical switch. The following types are defined: (empty string) VM (or VIF) interface. patch One of a pair of logical ports that act as if connected by a patch cable. Useful for connecting two logical datapaths, e.g. to connect a logical router to a logical switch or to another logical router. localnet A connection to a locally accessible network from each ovn-controller instance. A logical switch can only have a single localnet port attached and at most one regular logical port. This is used to model direct connectivity to an existing network. vtep A port to a logical switch on a VTEP gateway chassis. In order to get this port correctly recognized by the OVN controller, the options:vtep-physical-switch and options:vtep-logical-switch must also be defined. Patch Options: These options apply to logical ports with type of patch. options : peer: optional string The logical_port in the Port_Binding record for the other side of the patch. The named logical_port must specify this logi‐ cal_port in its own peer option. That is, the two patch logical ports must have reversed logical_port and peer values. Localnet Options: These options apply to logical ports with type of localnet. options : network_name: optional string Required. ovn-controller uses the configuration entry ovn-bridge-mappings to determine how to connect to this network. ovn-bridge-mappings is a list of network names mapped to a local OVS bridge that provides access to that network. An example of configuring ovn-bridge-mappings would be: $ ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:ovn-bridge-mappings=physnet1:br-eth0,physnet2:br-eth1 When a logical switch has a localnet port attached, every chas‐ sis that may have a local vif attached to that logical switch must have a bridge mapping configured to reach that localnet. Traffic that arrives on a localnet port is never forwarded over a tunnel to another chassis. tag: optional integer, in range 1 to 4,095 If set, indicates that the port represents a connection to a specific VLAN on a locally accessible network. The VLAN ID is used to match incoming traffic and is also added to outgoing traffic. VTEP Options: These options apply to logical ports with type of vtep. options : vtep-physical-switch: optional string Required. The name of the VTEP gateway. options : vtep-logical-switch: optional string Required. A logical switch name connected by the VTEP gateway. Must be set when type is vtep. Nested Containers: These columns support containers nested within a VM. Specifically, they are used when type is empty and logical_port identifies the inter‐ face of a container spawned inside a VM. They are empty for containers or VMs that run directly on a hypervisor. parent_port: optional string This is taken from parent_name in the OVN_Northbound database’s Logical_Port table. tag: optional integer, in range 1 to 4,095 Identifies the VLAN tag in the network traffic associated with that container’s network interface. This column is used for a different purpose when type is local‐ net (see Localnet Options, above). Open vSwitch 2.4.90 DB Schema 1.0.0 ovn-sb(5)