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15.4.3 Bar Chart

The subcommand BAR produces a bar chart. This subcommand requires that a count-function be specified (with no arguments) or a summary-function with a variable var1 in parentheses. Following the summary or count function, the keyword BY should be specified and then a catagorical variable, var2. The values of the variable var2 determine the labels of the bars to be plotted. Optionally a second categorical variable var3 may be specified in which case a clustered (grouped) bar chart is produced.

Valid count functions are


The weighted counts of the cases in each category.


The weighted counts of the cases in each category expressed as a percentage of the total weights of the cases.


The cumulative weighted counts of the cases in each category.


The cumulative weighted counts of the cases in each category expressed as a percentage of the total weights of the cases.

The summary function is applied to var1 across all cases in each category. The recognised summary functions are:


The sum.


The arithmetic mean.


The maximum value.


The minimum value.

The following examples assume a dataset which is the results of a survey. Each respondent has indicated annual income, their sex and city of residence. One could create a bar chart showing how the mean income varies between of residents of different cities, thus:

GRAPH  /BAR  = MEAN(income) BY city.

This can be extended to also indicate how income in each city differs between the sexes.

GRAPH  /BAR  = MEAN(income) BY city BY sex.

One might also want to see how many respondents there are from each city. This can be achieved as follows:


Bar charts can also be produced using the FREQUENCIES and CROSSTABS commands.

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