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    /MDGROUP NAME=name VARIABLES=var_list VALUE=value

    /MCGROUP NAME=name VARIABLES=var_list [LABEL=’label’]

    /DELETE NAME={[names],ALL}

    /DISPLAY NAME={[names],ALL}

MRSETS creates, modifies, deletes, and displays multiple response sets. A multiple response set is a set of variables that represent multiple responses to a single survey question in one of the two following ways:

Any number of subcommands may be specified in any order.

The MDGROUP subcommand creates a new multiple dichotomy set or replaces an existing multiple response set. The NAME, VARIABLES, and VALUE specifications are required. The others are optional:

The MCGROUP subcommand creates a new multiple category set or replaces an existing multiple response set. The NAME and VARIABLES specifications are required, and LABEL is optional. Their meanings are as described above in MDGROUP. PSPP warns if two variables in the set have different value labels for a single value, since each of the variables in the set should have the same possible categories.

The DELETE subcommand deletes multiple response groups. A list of groups may be named within a set of required square brackets, or ALL may be used to delete all groups.

The DISPLAY subcommand displays information about defined multiple response sets. Its syntax is the same as the DELETE subcommand.

Multiple response sets are saved to and read from system files by, e.g., the SAVE and GET command. Otherwise, multiple response sets are currently used only by third party software.

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