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3.3 Plain Text Output Options

PSPP can produce plain text output, drawing boxes using ASCII or Unicode line drawing characters. To produce plain text output, specify -o file on the PSPP command line, optionally followed by options from the table below to customize the output format.

Plain text output is encoded in UTF-8.

-O format=txt

Specify the output format. This is only necessary if the file name given on -o does not end in .txt or .list.

-O charts={template.png|none}

Name for chart files included in output. The value should be a file name that includes a single ‘#’ and ends in png. When a chart is output, the ‘#’ is replaced by the chart number. The default is the file name specified on -o with the extension stripped off and replaced by -#.png.

Specify none to disable chart output. Charts are always disabled if your installation of PSPP was compiled without the Cairo library.

-O foreground-color=color
-O background-color=color

Sets color as the color to be used for the background or foreground to be used for charts. Color should be given in the format #RRRRGGGGBBBB, where RRRR, GGGG and BBBB are 4 character hexadecimal representations of the red, green and blue components respectively. If charts are disabled, this option has no effect.

-O width=columns

Width of a page, in columns. If unspecified or given as auto, the default is the width of the terminal, for interactive output, or the WIDTH setting (see SET), for output to a file.

-O box={ascii|unicode}

Sets the characters used for lines in tables. If set to ascii the characters ‘-’, ‘|’, and ‘+’ for single-width lines and ‘=’ and ‘#’ for double-width lines are used. If set to unicode then Unicode box drawing characters will be used. The default is unicode if the locale’s character encoding is "UTF-8" or ascii otherwise.

-O emphasis={none|bold|underline}

How to emphasize text. Bold and underline emphasis are achieved with overstriking, which may not be supported by all the software to which you might pass the output. Default: none.

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