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D.2.11 Axes

After the dimensions come assignment of each dimension to one of the axes: layers, rows, and columns.

Axes =>
    int32[n-layers] int32[n-rows] int32[n-columns]
    int32*[n-layers] int32*[n-rows] int32*[n-columns]

The values of n-layers, n-rows, and n-columns each specifies the number of dimensions displayed in layers, rows, and columns, respectively. Any of them may be zero. Their values sum to n-dimensions from Dimensions (see SPV Light Member Dimensions).

The following n-dimensions integers, in three groups, are a permutation of the 0-based dimension numbers. The first n-layers integers specify each of the dimensions represented by layers, the next n-rows integers specify the dimensions represented by rows, and the final n-columns integers specify the dimensions represented by columns. When there is more than one dimension of a given kind, the inner dimensions are given first.