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D.1.5 The html Element

html :lang=(en) => TEXT

The element contains an HTML document as text (or, in practice, as CDATA). In some cases, the document starts with <html> and ends with </html>; in others the html element is implied. Generally the HTML includes a head element with a CSS stylesheet. The HTML body often begins with <BR>.

The HTML document uses only the following elements:


Sometimes, the document is enclosed with <html></html>.


The HTML body often begins with <BR> and may contain it as well.




The attributes face, color, and size are observed. The value of color takes one of the forms #rrggbb or rgb (r, g, b). The value of size is a number between 1 and 7, inclusive.

The CSS in the corpus is simple. To understand it, a parser only needs to be able to skip white space, <!--, and -->, and parse style only for p elements. Only font-weight, font-style, font-decoration, font-family, and font-size matter.

This element has the following attributes.

Attribute: lang

This always contains en in the corpus.