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D.4.12 The style Element

   :border-bottom=(solid | thick | thin | double | none)?
   :border-top=(solid | thick | thin | double | none)?
   :border-left=(solid | thick | thin | double | none)?
   :border-right=(solid | thick | thin | double | none)?
   :font-weight=(regular | bold)?
   :font-style=(regular | italic)?
   :font-underline=(none | underline)?
   :textAlignment=(left | right | center | decimal | mixed)?
   :labelLocationHorizontal=(positive | negative | center)?
   :labelLocationVertical=(positive | negative | center)?

A style element has an effect only when it is referenced by another element to set some aspect of the table’s style. Most of the attributes are self-explanatory. The rest are described below.

Attribute: color

In some cases, the text color; in others, the background color.

Attribute: color2

Not used.

Attribute: labelAngle

Normally 0. The value -90 causes inner column or outer row labels to be rotated vertically.

Attribute: labelLocationHorizontal

Not used.

Attribute: labelLocationVertical

The value positive corresponds to vertically aligning text to the top of a cell, negative to the bottom, center to the middle.