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E.2.2 PVSeparatorStyle

PVSeparatorStyle =>
   ff ff 00 00 "PVSeparatorStyle" 00
   03 80 00

Separator =>
       00 00
     | 01 00 int32[color] int16[style] int16[width]

PVSeparatorStyle contains eight Separators, in two groups. Each Separator represents a border between pivot table elements. TLO and SPV files have the same concepts for borders. See Borders, for the treatment of borders in SPV files.

A Separator’s type is 00 if the border is not drawn, 01 otherwise. For a border that is drawn, color is the color that it is drawn in. style and width have the following meanings:

style = 0 and 0 ≤ width ≤ 3

An increasingly thick single line. SPV files only have three line thicknesses. PSPP treats width 0 as a thin line, width 1 as a solid (normal width) line, and width 2 or 3 as a thick line.

style = 1 and 0 ≤ width ≤ 1

A doubled line, composed of normal-width (0) or thick (1) lines. SPV files only have “normal” width double lines, so PSPP maps both variants the same way.

style = 2

A dashed line.

The first group, sep1, represents the following borders within the pivot table, by index:

  1. Horizontal dimension rows
  2. Vertical dimension rows
  3. Horizontal category rows
  4. Vertical category rows

The second group, sep2, represents the following borders within the pivot table, by index:

  1. Horizontal dimension columns
  2. Vertical dimension columns
  3. Horizontal category columns
  4. Vertical category columns

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