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E.2.1 PTTableLook

PTTableLook =>
   ff ff 00 00 "PTTableLook" (00|02)[version]
   00 00
   bool[nested-row-labels] 00
   bool[footnote-marker-subscripts] 00
   i54 i18

In PTTableLook, version is 00 or 02. The only difference is that version 00 lacks V2Styles (see V2Styles) and that version 02 includes it. Both TLO versions are seen in the wild.

flags is a bit-mapped field. Its bits have the following meanings:


If set to 1, hide empty rows and columns; otherwise, show them.


If set to 1, use numeric footnote markers; otherwise, use alphabetic footnote markers.


If set to 1, print all layers; otherwise, print only the current layer.


If set to 1, scale the table to fit the page width; otherwise, break it horizontally if necessary.


If set to 1, scale the table to fit the page length; otherwise, break it vertically if necessary.


If set to 1, print each layer on a separate page (only if all layers are being printed); otherwise, paginate layers naturally.


If set to 1, print a continuation string at the top of a table that is split between pages.


If set to 1, print a continuation string at the bottom of a table that is split between pages.

When nested-row-labels is 1, row dimension labels appear nested; otherwise, they are put into the upper-left corner of the pivot table.

When footnote-marker-subscripts is 1, footnote markers are shown as subscripts; otherwise, they are shown as superscripts.

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