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D.1.1 The heading Element

=> label pageSetup? (container | heading)*

=> label (container | heading)*

A heading represents a tree of content that appears in an output viewer window. It contains a label text string that is shown in the outline view ordinarily followed by content containers or further nested (sub)-sections of output. Unlike heading elements in HTML and other common document formats, which precede the content that they head, heading contains the elements that appear below the heading.

The root of a structure member is a special heading. The direct children of the root heading elements in all structure members in an SPV file are siblings. That is, the root heading in all of the structure members conceptually represent the same node. The root heading’s label is ignored (see see The label Element). The root heading in the first structure member in the Zip file may contain a pageSetup element.

The schema implies that any heading may contain a sequence of any number of heading and container elements. This does not work for the root heading in practice, which must actually contain exactly one container or heading child element. Furthermore, if the root heading’s child is a heading, then the structure member’s name must end in _heading.xml; if it is a container child, then it must not.

The following attributes have been observed on both document root and nested heading elements.

Attribute: creator-version

The version of the software that created this SPV file. A string of the form xxyyzzww represents software version xx.yy.zz.ww, e.g. 21000001 is version Trailing pairs of zeros are sometimes omitted, so that 21, 210000, and 21000000 are all version (and the corpus contains all three of those forms).

The following attributes have been observed on document root heading elements only:

Attribute: creator

The directory in the file system of the software that created this SPV file.

Attribute: creation-date-time

The date and time at which the SPV file was written, in a locale-specific format, e.g. Friday, May 16, 2014 6:47:37 PM PDT or lunedì 17 marzo 2014 3.15.48 CET or even Friday, December 5, 2014 5:00:19 o'clock PM EST.

Attribute: lockReader

Whether a reader should be allowed to edit the output. The possible values are true and false. The value false is by far the most common.

Attribute: schemaLocation

This is actually an XML Namespace attribute. A reader may ignore it.

The following attributes have been observed only on nested heading elements:

Attribute: commandName

A locale-invariant identifier for the command that produced the output, e.g. Frequencies, T-Test, Non Par Corr.

Attribute: visibility

If this attribute is absent, the heading’s content is expanded in the outline view. If it is set to collapsed, it is collapsed. (This attribute is never present in a root heading because the root node is always expanded when a file is loaded, even though the UI can be used to collapse it interactively.)

Attribute: locale

The locale used for output, in Windows format, which is similar to the format used in Unix with the underscore replaced by a hyphen, e.g. en-US, en-GB, el-GR, sr-Cryl-RS.

Attribute: olang

The output language, e.g. en, it, es, de, pt-BR.

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