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2.2.11 Axes

After the dimensions come assignment of each dimension to one of the axes: layers, rows, and columns.

Axes =>
    int32[n-layers] int32[n-rows] int32[n-columns]
    int32*[n-layers] int32*[n-rows] int32*[n-columns]

The values of n-layers, n-rows, and n-columns each specifies the number of dimensions displayed in layers, rows, and columns, respectively. Any of them may be zero. Their values sum to n-dimensions from Dimensions (see Dimensions).

The following n-dimensions integers, in three groups, are a permutation of the 0-based dimension numbers. The first n-layers integers specify each of the dimensions represented by layers, the next n-rows integers specify the dimensions represented by rows, and the final n-columns integers specify the dimensions represented by columns. When there is more than one dimension of a given kind, the inner dimensions are given first. (For the layer axis, this means that the first dimension is at the bottom of the list and the last dimension is at the top when the current layer is displayed.)