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3.2.4 V2Styles

V2Styles =>
   byte[continuation-len] byte*[continuation-len][continuation]
   int32[min-col-width] int32[max-col-width]
   int32[min-row-height] int32[max-row-height]

This final, optional, part of the TLO file format contains some additional style information. It begins with sep3, which represents the following borders within the pivot table, by index:




Left, right, top, and bottom inner frame.


Left, right, top, and bottom outer frame.

9, 10

Left and top of data area.

When V2Styles is absent, the inner frame borders default to a solid line and the others listed above to no line.

continuation is the string that goes at the top or bottom of a table broken across pages. When V2Styles is absent, the default is (Cont.).

min-col-width is the minimum width that a column will be assigned automatically. max-col-width is the maximum width that a column will be assigned to accommodate a long column label. min-row-width and max-row-width are a similar range for the width of row labels. All of these measurements are in points. When V2Styles is absent, the defaults are 36 for min-col-width and min-row-height, 72 for max-col-width, and 120 for max-row-height.