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2.4.8 The label Element

   :style=ref style
   :textFrameStyle=ref style?
   :purpose=(title | subTitle | subSubTitle | layer | footnote)?
=> text+ | descriptionGroup

   :target=ref faceting
=> (description | text)+

description :name=(variable | value) => EMPTY

   :position=(subscript | superscript)?
   :style=ref style

This element represents a label on some aspect of the table.

Attribute: style
Attribute: textFrameStyle

Each of these refers to a style element. style is the style of the label text, textFrameStyle the style for the frame around the label.

Attribute: purpose

The kind of entity being labeled.

A descriptionGroup concatenates one or more elements to form a label. Each element can be a text element, which contains literal text, or a description element that substitutes a value or a variable name.

Attribute: target

The id of an element being described. In the corpus, this is always faceting.

Attribute: separator

A string to separate the description of multiple groups, if the target has more than one. In the corpus, this is always a new-line.

Typical contents for a descriptionGroup are a value by itself:

<description name="value"/>

or a variable and its value, separated by a colon:

<description name="variable"/><text>:</text><description name="value"/>

A description is like a macro that expands to some property of the target of its parent descriptionGroup. The name attribute specifies the property.

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