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2.4.11 The interval Element

interval :style=ref style => labeling footnotes?

   :style=ref style?
   :variable=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable)
=> (formatting | format | footnotes)*

formatting :variable=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable) => formatMapping*

formatMapping :from=int => format?

   :variable=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable)
=> footnoteMapping*

footnoteMapping :definesReference=int :from=int :to => EMPTY

The interval element and its descendants determine the basic formatting and labeling for the table’s cells. These basic styles are overridden by more specific styles set using setCellProperties (see The setCellProperties Element).

The style attribute of interval itself may be ignored.

The labeling element may have a single formatting child. If present, its variable attribute refers to a variable whose values are format specifiers as numbers, e.g. value 0x050802 for F8.2. However, the numbers are not actually interpreted that way. Instead, each number actually present in the variable’s data is mapped by a formatMapping child of formatting to a format that specifies how to display it.

The labeling element may also have a footnotes child element. The variable attribute of this element refers to a variable whose values are comma-delimited strings that list the 1-based indexes of footnote references. (Cells without any footnote references are numeric 0 instead of strings.)

Each footnoteMapping child of the footnotes element defines the footnote marker to be its to attribute text for the footnote whose 1-based index is given in its definesReference attribute.