Next: Titles, Previous: Category Label Positions, Up: CTABLES [Contents][Index]
/CATEGORIES VARIABLES=variables {[value, value…] | [ORDER={A | D}] [KEY={VALUE | LABEL | summary(variable)}] [MISSING={EXCLUDE | INCLUDE}]} [TOTAL={NO | YES} [LABEL=string] [POSITION={AFTER | BEFORE}]] [EMPTY={INCLUDE | EXCLUDE}]
subcommand specifies, for one or more
categorical variables, the categories to include and exclude, the sort
order for included categories, and treatment of missing values. It
also controls the totals and subtotals to display. It may be
specified any number of times, each time for a different set of
variables. CATEGORIES
applies to the table produced by the
subcommand that it follows.
does not apply to scalar variables.
VARIABLES is required and must list the variables for the subcommand to affect.
The syntax may specify the categories to include and their sort order
either explicitly or implicitly. The following sections give the
details of each form of syntax, followed by information on totals and
subtotals and the EMPTY