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2.2.4 Areas

Areas => 00? Area*8
Area =>
    byte[index] 31
    string[typeface] float[size] int32[style] bool[underline]
    int32[halign] int32[valign]
    string[fg-color] string[bg-color]
    bool[alternate] string[alt-fg-color] string[alt-bg-color]
    v3(int32[left-margin] int32[right-margin] int32[top-margin] int32[bottom-margin])

Each Area represents the style for a different area of the table, in the following order: title, caption, footer, corner, column labels, row labels, data, and layers.

index is the 1-based index of the Area, i.e. 1 for the first Area, through 8 for the final Area.

typeface is the string name of the font used in the area. In the corpus, this is SansSerif in over 99% of instances and Times New Roman in the rest.

size is the size of the font, in px (see Light Detail Member Format). The most common size in the corpus is 12 px. Even though size has a floating-point type, in the corpus its values are always integers.

style is a bit mask. Bit 0 (with value 1) is set for bold, bit 1 (with value 2) is set for italic.

underline is 1 if the font is underlined, 0 otherwise.

halign specifies horizontal alignment: 0 for center, 2 for left, 4 for right, 61453 for decimal, 64173 for mixed. Mixed alignment varies according to type: string data is left-justified, numbers and most other formats are right-justified.

valign specifies vertical alignment: 0 for center, 1 for top, 3 for bottom.

fg-color and bg-color are the foreground color and background color, respectively. In the corpus, these are always #000000 and #ffffff, respectively.

alternate is 1 if rows should alternate colors, 0 if all rows should be the same color. When alternate is 1, alt-fg-color and alt-bg-color specify the colors for the alternate rows; otherwise they are empty strings.

left-margin, right-margin, top-margin, and bottom-margin are measured in px.

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