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  1. DATA LIST TABLE /NAME 1-10 (A) INFO1 TO INFO3 12-17 (1).
    John Smith 102311
    Bob Arnold 122015
    Bill Yates  918 6
    Defines the following variables:
    • NAME, a 10-character-wide string variable, in columns 1 through 10.
    • INFO1, a numeric variable, in columns 12 through 13.
    • INFO2, a numeric variable, in columns 14 through 15.
    • INFO3, a numeric variable, in columns 16 through 17.

    The BEGIN DATA/END DATA commands cause three cases to be defined:

    Case   NAME         INFO1   INFO2   INFO3
       1   John Smith     10      23      11
       2   Bob Arnold     12      20      15
       3   Bill Yates      9      18       6

    The TABLE keyword causes PSPP to print out a table describing the four variables defined.

  2. DATA LIST FILE="survey.dat"
            /ID 1-5 NAME 7-36 (A) SURNAME 38-67 (A) MINITIAL 69 (A)
            /Q01 TO Q50 7-56
    Defines the following variables:
    • ID, a numeric variable, in columns 1-5 of the first record.
    • NAME, a 30-character string variable, in columns 7-36 of the first record.
    • SURNAME, a 30-character string variable, in columns 38-67 of the first record.
    • MINITIAL, a 1-character string variable, in column 69 of the first record.
    • Fifty variables Q01, Q02, Q03, …, Q49, Q50, all numeric, Q01 in column 7, Q02 in column 8, …, Q49 in column 55, Q50 in column 56, all in the second record.

    Cases are separated by a blank record.

    Data is read from file survey.dat in the current directory.