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2.4.5 The location Element

   :part=(height | width | top | bottom | left | right)
   :method=(sizeToContent | attach | fixed | same)
   :target=ref (labelFrame | graph | container)?

Each instance of this element specifies where some part of the table frame is located. All the examples in the corpus have four instances of this element, one for each of the parts height, width, left, and top. Some examples in the corpus add a fifth for part bottom, even though it is not clear how all of top, bottom, and height can be honored at the same time. In any case, location seems to have little importance in representing tables; a reader can safely ignore it.

Attribute: part

The part of the table being located.

Attribute: method

How the location is determined:


Based on the natural size of the table. Observed only for parts height and width.


Based on the location specified in target. Observed only for parts top and bottom.


Using the value in value. Observed only for parts top, bottom, and left.


Same as the specified target. Observed only for part left.

Attribute: min

Minimum size. Only observed with value 100pt. Only observed for part width.

Dependent: target

Required when method is attach or same, not observed otherwise. This identifies an element to attach to. Observed with the ID of title, footnote, graph, and other elements.

Dependent: value

Required when method is fixed, not observed otherwise. Observed values are 0%, 0px, 1px, and 3px on parts top and left, and 100% on part bottom.

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