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2.2.2 Titles

Titles =>
    Value[title] 01?
    Value[subtype] 01? 31
    Value[user-title] 01?
    (31 Value[corner-text] | 58)
    (31 Value[caption] | 58)

The Titles follow the Header and specify the table’s title, caption, and corner text.

The user-title reflects any user editing of the title text or style. The title is the title originally generated by the procedure. Both of these are appropriate for presentation and localized to the user’s language. For example, for a frequency table, title and user-title normally name the variable and c is simply “Frequencies”.

subtype is the same as the subType attribute in the table structure XML element that referred to this member. See The table Element, for details.

The corner-text, if present, is shown in the upper-left corner of the table, above the row headings and to the left of the column headings. It is usually absent. When row dimension labels are displayed in the corner (see show-row-labels-in-corner), corner text is hidden.

The caption, if present, is shown below the table. caption reflects user editing of the caption.