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2.4.13 The labelFrame Element

labelFrame :style=ref style => location+ label? paragraph?

paragraph :hangingIndent=dimension? => EMPTY

A labelFrame element specifies content and style for some aspect of a table. Only labelFrame elements that have a label child are important. The purpose attribute in the label determines what the labelFrame affects:


The table’s title and its style.


The table’s caption and its style.


The table’s footnotes and the style for the footer area.


The style for the layer area.



The style attribute references the style to use for the area.

The label, if present, specifies the text to put into the title or caption or footnotes. For footnotes, the label has two text children for every footnote, each of which has a usesReference attribute identifying the 1-based index of a footnote. The first, third, fifth, … text child specifies the content for a footnote; the second, fourth, sixth, … child specifies the marker. Content tends to end in a new-line, which the reader may wish to trim; similarly, markers tend to end in ‘.’.

The paragraph, if present, may be ignored, since it is always empty.