/PPROPERTIES &postcompute...
    [FORMAT=[summary format]...]

The PPROPERTIES subcommand, which must appear before TABLE, sets properties for one or more postcomputes defined on prior PCOMPUTE subcommands. The subcommand syntax begins with the list of postcomputes, each prefixed with ‘&’ as specified on PCOMPUTE.

All of the settings on PPROPERTIES are optional. Use LABEL to set the label shown for the postcomputes in table output. The default label for a postcompute is the expression used to define it.

A postcompute always uses same summary functions as the variable whose categories contain it, but FORMAT allows control over the format used to display their values. It takes a list of summary function names and format specifiers.

By default, or with HIDESOURCECATS=NO, categories referred to by computed categories are displayed like other categories. Use HIDESOURCECATS=YES to hide them.

The previous section provides an example for PPROPERTIES.