Happy News

Wed Nov 20th, 2002 02:05:03 AM EST

Diary Entry 117
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I know it's been a long time since I've written anything, but I finally have some free time. And there are definitely some things to write.

First, I decided around Nov. 4 that I wanted to make a submission to USENIX '03, which had a Nov. 18 deadline. At that point, I had nothing, so I had to come up with everything really quickly. Part of my action plan was to stop reading the web sites I follow and Usenet and pretty much everything else I do for fun, and work hard, and still my time was tight. But I made the deadline last night and submitted what I think is a good paper concerning the performance of binary search tree-based data structures in system software, based on my library GNU libavl.

Second, I have a girlfriend now. Yes, really. We met at a Halloween party on Oct. 26, went on our first date on Nov. 2, and we've been going out since Nov. 12. Her name is Kate, she's a first-year Ph.D. student in the archaeology department here at Stanford, and she's wonderful. I feel very lucky to have met her, and I hope we're together for a long time. I don't want to push my luck, so that's all I'll say for now.

Last updated 03 Apr 2004 21:17. Copyright © 2004 Ben Pfaff.
May be freely redistributed, but copyright notice must be retained.