Casino Night and Winter Ball

Sun Feb 24th, 2002 02:16:47 AM EST

Diary Entry 79
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Friday night I was a dealer at my apartment complex's "Casino Night". Tonight I briefly attended the grad student "Winter Ball". Hey, free beer.

A few weeks ago the weekly announcements email asked for volunteers as dealers for "Casino Night", no experience required. This sounded like fun, so I signed up. Last night was the night. Training was from 7 to 9 pm and we ran from 9 to midnight in 1-hour shifts. I ran roulette from 10 to midnight along with a partner, different each shift. I got "$500" in chips for being a dealer, but I didn't want them so I gave them away to a friend. At the end of the night there was a raffle and she ended up with a potted plant. Heh.

Tonight was the Graduate Student Council "Winter Ball", with swing dancing. I put on a button-down shirt, stuck a paperback into my jacket pocket, and went on over. At the door I presented my student ID to get in and my driver's license for alcohol. I grabbed a beer and walked toward the dance floor. I sat safely away from it and watched the coordinated people with social skills dance. I finished my beer and left. From there I went downstairs to the coffeehouse, where I read my book, The Autobiography of Mark Twain, and went home.

Last updated 03 Apr 2004 21:17. Copyright © 2004 Ben Pfaff.
May be freely redistributed, but copyright notice must be retained.